Written: 2/6/2024 Notes: The log4j2-config.xml in this folder contains the following changes. ===== DETAILS ===== [1] Added the same level of Burst Filtering in all 3 of these blocks. [2] Updated the filePattern for all 3 of these blocks to include ' -%i ' in the logfile name. [*] So it looks like: filePattern="${sys:com.wowza.wms.ConfigHome}/logs/wowzastreamingengine_access.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}-%i.log" [*] This change was previously made to the serverAccess block but for consistency sake. [*] We wanted to implement this same type of logging convention to all Wowza logs. [3] Updated the logging Policy for all 3 blocks to include: ===== FILE LOCATION & INSTALLATION ===== Replace the existing log4j2-config.xml in the following location: /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/conf/log4j2-config.xml